04 February 2018

U.S. ski racer Wiles ruled out of Pyeongchang after crash

American ski racer Jacqueline Wiles has been ruled out of this month’s Winter Olympics after sustaining serious leg injuries in a crash during a World Cup downhill in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany on Saturday.

The 25-year-old fractured her left fibula and tibia and suffered a torn anterior cruciate ligament, according to German media reports.

The race was won by Wiles’ team mate Lindsey Vonn.

“We are all extremely disappointed that Jackie suffered this injury so close to the Games,” said Luke Bodensteiner, U.S. Ski & Snowboard Chief of Sport, in a statement.

“It’s a big loss to our alpine ski team, especially after her very strong results this season.”

Wiles, who competed in the downhill at the Sochi Games, finished third in the downhill in Cortina d‘Ampezzo, Italy last month.

A decision on whether Wiles will be replaced in the U.S. squad had yet to be made, the statement said.

source: news agency

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