10 February 2018

Protesters tear N. Korean flags, leader's photos in Seoul

Conservative activists tore photos of North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un and attempted to burn its national flag in demonstrations here on Saturday against Pyongyang's participation in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

A flurry of demonstrations took place on the streets as Kim's sister and other high-ranking officials visited the presidential office and North Korean art troupe Samjiyon Orchestra arrived in Seoul to perform on Sunday, Yonhap news agency reported.

Some 800 anti-North Korean protesters marched and staged street performances in front of the Deoksu Palace in central Seoul, condemning the North Korean leader and President Moon Jae-in, who they regard as too soft on the North.

Photos of Kim Jong-un and North Korea's national flags were seen damaged and in tatters.

Some were holding up a ripped-up "Korean Unification" flag, which was used when athletes from South and North Korea made a joint entrance at the opening ceremony of the PyeongChang Olympics on Friday night.

Some people tried to burn the North Korean national flag, but were contained by police.

"You are fired. Get out of here Korea," one protester, wearing a mask of US President Donald Trump, shouted at a protester wearing a mask of the South Korean President.

Three people playing the roles of President Moon, the North Korean leader and Kim Yong-nam, North Korea's ceremonial head of state, respectively, walked in silence, tied to each other by a rope.

Similar demonstrations took place sporadically around the city.

The protests took place as Kim Jong-un, in a message delivered by his sister Kim Yo-jong, invited Moon to Pyongyang at the "earliest date" possible for what will be a third inter-Korean summit.

source: news agency

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