09 February 2018

Sachin Tendulkar, his wife launch book on child health care

Mumbai: Legendary Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar and his wife Anjali Tendulkar launched a book on child health care titled 'Even When There Is A Doctor'.

The book was launched on February 8 in Mumbai.

Penned down by Dr Yashwant Amdekar along with Dr Rajesh Chokhani and Krishnan Sivaramakrishnan, the book describes the role of an individual or parents in improving their child's health.

Speaking at the event, Sachin said, "The book tells us how important first 1,000 days are in a child's life. I always followed my teacher's advice of 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away' until I met a doctor (referring to wife Anjali) and felt like going back to my teacher and telling her, 'An apple along with a doctor is a better option'."

He added that he was a naughty child, who was tough to manage.

"It's good to be naughty but respecting elders is equally important," the cricket icon said.

Meanwhile, Anjali emphasised on the message the book conveys saying, "The book is a manual we have all been looking for. Nowadays, parents are busy and their routines leave them with no time to devote to their kids".

She added that the book will help parents identify simple problems and rectify them. 

source: news agency

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