02 February 2018

Super Sub Jairu takes Jamshedpur to top four

Mumbai: Steve Coppell led Jamshedpur FC today consolidated their chances of qualifying for the Hero Indian Super League semi-finals as they shocked Mumbai City FC with a 2-1 win at Mumbai Football Arena, Mumbai.

Jamshedpur were second best to Mumbai City for long spells, particularly in the second session. The visitors took the lead in the first half after Sanju Pradhan turned the ball into his own goal in the 37th minute. In the second session, Mumbai equalised through Everton Santos in the 79th minute. But just when it seemed like the match was heading for a draw, substitute Bikash Jairu scored with six minutes left to be played to hand Jamshedpur an important win.

Today’s victory propelled Jamshedpur to the top four for the first time in this season. The debutants now have 22 points from 14 matches and are placed fourth. However, this was Jamshedpur’s 14th match – the most by any team in the league so far.. With just four matches left to be played, not everything is in their own hands but the Steve Coppell boys will return home happy that they are still in the race. 

Mumbai City are placed sixth with 17 points from 13 matches.

Bikash Jairu was the man who made the victory possible with a late strike but the Hero of the night was Subrata Paul. The goalkeeper made several superlative saves and was responsible for keeping the visitors in the game. 

Jamshedpur started with positive intent but lacked the cutting edge infront of goal as the strikers misfired. They needed an own goal from Sanju Pradhan to surge ahead in the 37th minute. Farukh Choudhary danced his way through the middle and shot on goal. The ball lacked power and direction but to Jamshedpur’s luck, it ricocheted off defender Marcio Rozario's heel towards goal where Sanju desperately tried to clear but it was too late. 

In the second half, Mumbai City changed gears and constantly attacked. Everton Santos, Thiago Santos, Balwant Singh and even Sahil Tavora had chances to draw level. They tried as well but Subrata was unbeatable, effecting several saves. 

The goalkeeper, however, was found wanting in the 79th minute when a corner from Thiago at the near post saw Everton attack. Subrata was on hand to keep it away but his hesitant clearance hit Everton and sailed into the net. 

A draw would have been disastrous for both teams. Towards the closing stages of the match Bikash made his presence count. It was Andre Bikey who initiated the move from the right by finding Kervens Belfort all alone with the keeper but couldn’t get the better of Amrinder Singh. The rebound fell for Bikash and he made no mistake to hammer it home.
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