11 February 2018

Polish ski jumpers fourth and fifth at winter Olympics

Polish ski jumping star Kamil Stoch and his teammate Stefan Hula have finished fourth and fifth respectively at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang in the Normal Hill event.

Germany's Andreas Wellinger grabbed the gold with a total of 259.3 points, followed by Norwegians Johann Andre Forfang (250.9 points) and Robert Johansson (249.7 points).

Poland's Maciej Kot came 19th while his countryman Dawid Kubacki did not qualify for the final round.

Polish ski jumpers will compete in the large hill event next Saturday and in the team event on Monday, February 19.

In the run-up to the Olympics, Polish officials had named ski jumping as the country's big hope for honours in South Korea.

source: news agency

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